When I first heard read about what a “Green smoothie” had in it, my first reaction was “YUCK!” Although, I gave it a shot and my first thought was well, “YUCK!”. It needed something. Something that made it still healthy but also making me want to drink it. I started adding things both my kids and I love to eat in it. We go through so many bananas a day so that was a no brainer. Next was yogurt. Yogurt helps your body in so many ways. They can be high in protein, calcium and live culture, or probiotics, which helps gut microbiota. Since I was creating this during my weight-loss diet, it would be the perfect protein to add. It was the perfect addition to the smoothie. I have always been a fan of the Yoplait® Light yogurts.
I never thought my girls would like these smoothies, especially seeing that I put spinach into it. I mean come on, why would kids want anything healthy and green? Low and behold, they wanted to try it and to my surprise, they loved it! This has become a popular mid day snack in hour home now and Heart has been drinking it since she was 3 yrs old. (aww look how little she was, pictured right)
Getting Heart to eat anything green is a struggle and she will not touch fresh spinach alone, but when it comes to this smoothie, she is all in. She knows the green stuff is spinach and is ok with it. There is something about when it is in this Green Smoothie, she actually likes it.

Only takes a few minutes to make
It’s a great way to add some healthy greens into your child’s diet without them realizing what they are drinking. There is a also a fun game we play with it and it’s guessing the color of the smoothie. I let them choose what fruits to add and then guess what color it will change to. Sometimes the fruits surprise them when the colors mix.
Sometimes we mix in peanut butter powder, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cucumber, apple juice, and orange juice.

Create your own Variation

Not a fan of Blueberries? You can try any cut up, drained, fresh fruit you’d like. Top with some cinnamon sugar before baking, or even try some shredded coconut.
Green Smoothie Add Ins
- Apple Juice or other fruit juices
- Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Acai Berries, Peaches, Pineapple, Kiwi, Mango, Dragonfruit
- Peanut Butter Powder or Cacao Powder
- Kale, Cucumber
- Avocado
- Oats, Honey, Coconut
Spinach Banana Green Smoothie
Course: DrinksDifficulty: Easy1
1/2 cup fresh spinach
1 container yoplait vanilla yogurt
1 banana sliced
1/4 cup crushed ice
- Put crushed ice in blender or magic bullet.
- Add the rest of the ingredients on top of the ice.
- Turn on blender or magic bullet and blend until throughly combined.
- Enjoy!